Wednesday, January 26, 2011

ASL? You've been blocked!

This is the blog entry I created to send back to people who use a first line I find offensive when contacting me in a chat room.

Why is “ASL” or “M or F?” or “Are you a female?” an inappropriate first line?

It's boring. It says you're shopping for a woman to pay attention to you. And other than wanting a woman, you're unsure you know what you want.

A Griff story

I knew a guy who had a story about his military training. Back in the 1970s, he was doing military training near a nursing school. The guys saw the nursing school as a source of women for the time they were in training.

At one point a dance was arranged and the nursing students were invited. One of the military guys got quite upset when he heard the nurses were circulating a rumor that the military guys just wanted sex. It was a temporary assignment of about six months for the guys.

After this guy got done squawking that this rumor would reduce the number of nursing students who would attend the dance, my buddy said, “Yeah, but the right ones will show up.”

Back to the lesson

Here's the secret: you can have anything you can imagine when you chat online about sex. So you're first line should suggest you have a rich imagination and you're not afraid to ask for what arouses you.

“What if I might offend some women who would otherwise chat with me?” Read the anecdote above. Think about it.

You don't want every woman to respond to your overture, you want the right women to respond.

What arouses you?

Do you fantasize about rape? Your mother? Your daughter? Erotic Sex Chat has a bunch of people into animals. If you fantasize about banging your business partner's wife or daughter, go for it.

You have to grow the balls to admit what arouses you. Figure out a clever line to open the door to a conversation. It might be OK to just state what you want, but it might be more subtle and successful to begin a conversation that can be readily steered in the direction you want to go.

Introduce yourself

This is common courtesy. If you're the one initiating contact, you should be the first one to introduce who you are.

Show some interest in the person you're talking to

If you're looking for someone to have cybersex with, you should probably show some interest in that person. What sorta things arouse her?

Remember, the bitches have all the pussy—well, there are those guys that pretent to be women to get attention—so, if you want a bitch, you've got to offer her something of value. There are plenty of dipshit guys sending Pms that say, “ASL”. What makes you different?

Verbal skills

Chatting about sex discriminates in favor of people with good verbal skills and who can type quickly. You want to look like it's not going to be painful to chat with you.

The canned opening line

I'm gonna throw this one out as an open discussion for the ladies. What do you think of guys who have a line saved in their computer buffers who hit control “v” and send it out?

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