Friday, January 21, 2011

Maria visits her mom's place

Maria was visiting her mom and chatting on her brother's computer. While Maria's mom was making the brother a sandwich in the same room, I got Maria to cum. Chat session below.

Maria has a Mardi Gras mask, so she has promised to get some pictures taken. She's going to ask a photographer friend to take nudes whie Maria wears the Mardi Gras mask.

Here's the two parts where she talks about thinking of me while her boyfriend fucks her.

Maria: my boyfriend and i had sex on wednesday night, and it was reallly good, and i was so close to screaming your name at one point
Griff: lol
Griff: your best sex with him and you're thinking of me?
Maria: yes
Griff: how's that make you feel?
Maria: aroused, pathetic.
Griff: why is it pathetic?
Maria: pathetic because i need attention from so many people.

Griff: have you mouthed my name during sex?
Maria: yes
Maria: the last time i had sex
Maria: i came immediately
Maria: i came so much last time.. it was a personal record. i think it was because my boyfriend was fucking me so good and i was also thinking about you the entire time.
Griff: :-)

Here's where I made her cum with her mother in the room.

Griff: you know you need me
Maria: i know
Maria: i knew it the second we started talking
Maria: and how you made me cum just by making me talk about how i lost my virginity
Griff: you've told that story to others no?
Maria: not before i told you
Griff: ah
Griff: I picked the lock to your psyche, eh?
Maria: yes. it was crazy.
Maria: i always knew i was pathetic and desperate, but i never realized that it was because of that night.
Maria: i kind of blocked that whole night out of my memory until i met you.
Griff: it defined you as a woman, eh?
Maria: yes
Griff: and I own the talisman that makes me the master of the Monster, eh?
Maria: yes.
Griff: the Monster might devour Maria. you hope I will keep the Monster under control, eh?
Maria: yes.
Maria: it needs to be controlled, griff
Griff: how you feeling?
Maria: aroused
Maria: trying to hide it because my brother and mom are up and walking around
Griff: do you want to cum?
Maria: so bad but i can't
Griff: yes you can
Griff: let the Monster take over
Maria: griff, i can't
Griff: Maria, you want it
Maria: i knowww
Maria: fuck fuck what do i do
Griff: I masturbated in a public library while chatting online a couple times
Griff: you can do it
Griff: stay under control
Griff: but keep masturbating
Griff: you only tame the Monster by appeasing its needs
Griff: the Monster needs to cum
Griff: be my little bitch
Griff: think of how I own you
Griff: you are at my mercy
Griff: if I want you to cry
Griff: you cry
Griff: if I want yout to be happy
Griff: you're happy
Griff: if I want you to feel confident
Griff: you feel confident
Griff: and if I want you to cum
Griff: you cum
Griff: give in to the Monster, Maria
Griff: you're weak
Griff: you can't resist
Griff: you're getting close
Griff: keep going
Griff: remember Jason
Griff: how he broke you down
Griff: step by step
Griff: I am more powerful than he was
Griff: I know who you are
Griff: the real you
Griff: you can barely live with yourself
Griff: if you aren't giving a piece of you
Griff: to me
Maria: griff
Griff: yes?
Maria: i just came all over myself
Griff: just as I wanted
Griff: were your mother and brother there?
Maria: my mom is making my brother lunch in the kitchen
Maria: which is right pretty much in the room i'm in
Griff: do you think she noticed you behaving strangely?
Maria: i don't know
Maria: i don't think so
Maria: she was busy
Maria: i was behind her
Griff: how was it?
Maria: incredible
Maria: i came so much
Maria: i need to go change my panties and tights
Maria: thank you


  1. This entry was approved by Maria.

  2. What would you like to ask Maria?

    What would you like to tell her?


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