Friday, January 21, 2011

Griff's rules

This blog includes information from my chat sessions.

1. If I have a person's email address, I will send an email of a blog entry to this person if the entry divulges information from chats that has not been revealed before.

2. If I don't have an email address for a person then I can't email before posting.

3. I will inform people I chat with of the existence of this blog and the fact that I write about my chat sessions reasonably promptly, normally during our first chat session.

4. I will do my utmost to avoid disclosing the identity of any people I chat with. I expect people to respect anonymity in the comments too.

5. If a picture appears on the blog, I have permission to post the picture from the person who sent me the picture. Unless otherwise noted, I assume the people depicted are the same as the people who sent me the picture. I will take reasonable precautions to ensure that the people sending me pics are accurately representing the identity of the people depicted. If you see a pic you suspect is pilfered or of a person who would not consent to its display, please note that in the comments.

6. The rules may be made more specific as situations arise and I gain experience.

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