Monday, May 16, 2011

creating a survey for people who chat about sex and have cybersex

One of the missions of Griff's Cybersex Blog is to improve the quality of cybersex.

Below I'm going to begin discussion of a research project. But I would like my readers to make suggestions about things they'd like researched.

Traditional media (e.g. print and broadcast) has one central place of producing content and then the whole audience gets the same content. The web allows not only communication back to the person producing content, but communication between the consumers. Members of the audience can engage each other directly, and if people are capable of learning, make each other more knowledgeable.

I would like to survey women who chat about sex online about what makes a good screen name.

But maybe I should start by getting data about who is chatting online about sex. What questions should be asked?

1. Gender
2. Age
3. Relationship status
4. How long have you been chatting online?
5. How frequently do you chat? How many hours a week?
6. What role does chatting online play in your sex life?
7. Where do you live?
8. Where did you live when you were 14-18?
9. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?
10. Has chatting online interfered with your professional life? Your other hobbies and interests? Your social life, including family life?
11. What is the longest relationship you've maintained online?

Leave suggestions for questions in the comments.

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