Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sensory only sex: kissing a machine

I once read a Myers-Briggs analysis of different sexual types and styles. Myers-Briggs Type Indicators measure personality on four axes. One use is to reduce conflict and improve communication by showing people how to best communicate with different personality types.

The sexual types and styles are influenced by the first two axes. The first axes is extrovert(E)-introvert(I). Lesson: extroverts like to take during sex; introverts don't.

The second axis is sensor(S)-intuitive(N). Sensors are focused on the five senses experience of sex. Intuitives are focused on the situation, context and what's happening in the mind.

Below the break is an example of a strictly sensory approach to sex. Some Japanese researchers are developing a computer peripheral that will be able to observe a kiss in one place and then reproduce it in another place.

The chief application of this would seem to be for people engaged in sexual relations remotely. But I suppose one could record a girlfriend's kisses and then play them back after the break-up in between drunk dialing her and telling her she's an ungrateful whore.

And it's another way to market heart throb musicians and actors to teenage girls. You too can buy Justin Beiber's kiss!

I do have a point! This video shows what sex would be like for someone exclusively focused on the sensory issues.

The good news is that even people who are strong sensory personalities have an intuitive side. And vice versa for strong intuitives.

And when we're having good sex, we create an experience that is both sensory and theatrical (is there a better word?).

When you chat about sex observe the tells how important the sensory aspects are to the other person and the intuitive aspects are. Incorporate this information into your game.

h/t Queerty's "In The Future We Will All Make Out With Creepy Japanese Robots" by Daniel Villareal

1 comment:

  1. Judge Dredd has a scene where Sandra Bullock suggests they have sex. Stallone agrees. And she starts donning this equipment that allows them to simulate sex without touching each other. He replies he wants to do it the old-fashioned way and she responds that the idea is gross to her.


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